Salaah (Namaaz)


Salah (Namaz):

Conditions for offering prayers (Salaah):

1. Taharat (personal cleanliness): you should properly clean yourself by making ablution (wudu), taking a shower (ghusal), or dry ablution (tayammum).

2. The cleanliness of garments is mandatory.

3. The place should be properly clean where you have to perform prayer (salaah).

4. Set the direction of prayer (salaah) towards Khaanah Kaabah and choose a place where there are no pictures, songs, extra sounds, videos etc to distract you.

5. Covering Awrah (private parts), properly covering, and dressing up. Fit, tight, and see-through dresses are not allowed for young boys and girls, or men and women. For boys and men, only hands, faces, and feet should be visible, and for girls, only the face and fingers should be visible.

6. For prayer, it is necessary to turn away from the world and intend to pray. After that, it is not permissible to do anything else during the prayer. Fully involve yourself in prayer, both physically and mentally. Physically, it means doing each step correctly and not engaging yourself in extra activities like cleaning or rubbing the nose, arranging the hijab, and all that. Mentally, it means don't think about anything else.

7. It is necessary to perform prayer (salaah) at the appropriate time, and don't close your eyes while performing prayer (salaah).

8. To perform prayer (salaah), it is necessary that a person be of puberty age (above six years) and mentally normal.

9. If any person is badly sick, then there is leniency in actions during prayer (salaah).

10. If a person is on a long journey or is physically engaged in battle (for Allah), then it is permissible to shorten the prayer (salaah) according to the instructions given in Islam.

Posture No. 1:

            1. Recite 'Bismillaa hir rahmaa nir raheem' before performing dry ablution (Tayammum).

            2. Strike the palms on dry soil or a natural surface like rock, sand, dust, or grass.

            3. Blow off once to remove the dust if it's in an excessive amount, and then wipe the face once with these dusty palms.

            4. Now wipe both hands, start wiping the upper part of the right hand using the palm of the left hand, and then wipe the lower part. Similarly, wipe the upper part of the left hand using the palm of the right hand, and then wipe the lower part. It has to be done once.

            5. Recite second kalimah and additional duas after performing dry ablution (Tayammum).

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